“with great power comes great responsibility”: HR in the driver’s seat

HR Teams have been given more power in the modern workplace but with that comes increasing responsibilities from implementing policy to reviews to compliance.

shutterstock_1260544696It is an age-old adage we hear over and over. “with great power comes great responsibility.” While first attributed to Voltaire, and popularized more recently by the comic book genre of movies, the ubiquitous phrase itself is quite applicable – especially in HR.    

Many companies are walking on egg-shells and fear the constantly evolving “political correctness” that accompanies each new workforce legislation. From discrimination policies to wrongful termination suits, one might go as far as saying a business could be at risk if a handshake is misconstrued. However, these laws are not without merit and therefore, it behooves companies to be vigilant and Human Resources to oversee the compliance of a workplace with the utmost diligence.


Now, more than ever, it is important that there are checks and balances, or proper procedures, to ensure that the climate of the company does not become too lax in the adherence of labor relations policies.  This is why HR has become increasingly pivotal in maintaining a balance of power in organizations. 

Human Resources oversees an entire organization, and sometimes we forget that leadership and the C-suite must also answer to HR. Human Resources ensures that a company’s executives and management teams are operating using an appropriate amount of power. HR’s role to implement policies and procedures helps to maintain a type of equality in the workplace – ensuring employees, no matter their level of expertise, are respected and treated appropriately. This comes with inherent conflict of course, challenging HR professionals to remain unbiased. Therefore, it’s necessary for HR to implement standard operating procedures across the entire organization, without exception. This allows HR to effectively manage senior and executive staff.


From performance reviews to disciplinary actions, having clear and concise policies in place and in writing gives HR the ability to direct operations with little debate from the higher ups. It helps hold everyone accountable for their actions, including those holding executive and senior-level titles, to level the proverbial playing field for employees who feel they have been mistreated.


Your HR teams need to be visible and accessible so that if the balance of power is being tested and weighing more favorably in someone else’s direction, they can come forward and report it with a degree of anonymity and discretion.  Often caught in crossfire of employee relations conflict, HR takes on the heavy responsibility of acting as the intermediary in an effort to avoid further conflict, disruption to operations, or worse, a legal case that could have costly repercussions to the business.


As companies recognize the impact Human Resources has on corporate objectives, it’s necessary to equip HR teams with the right technology to help them remain successful.

LaborSoft’s innovative platform is one of many integral solutions that keep your business, in business. Our employee relations analytics, case management workflows, and our central repository of documentation streamlines case management to mitigate risk of operational bottlenecks, costly lawsuits, and legal ramifications stemming from HR issues and complaints.

Contact us for a customized demonstration and learn how LaborSoft can help you improve communications, build a more collaborative, safe, and supportive workplace, while reducing the likelihood of costly litigation. 

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