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Why Top Companies Are Investing In Labor Relations Software

Read Time 3 mins | Jun 8, 2020 | Written by: Frankie Kourtis

labor relations software

Staying on top or ahead of organizational and employee issues begins with a comprehensive HR management and tracking solution.  Having an accurate snapshot of what’s going on in your organization has become critical in this ever-changing economic climate.  Don’t let workforce issues such as workplace incidents, employee investigations, corrective actions, arbitration, EEO claims or labor grievances cause you undue grief, or cost your business a lot of overhead.  Implementing end-to-end labor relations software is integral to a HR department’s success in mitigating risk.

Limit Lawsuits and Arbitration
It is a well-known fact that going to court can be extremely costly for both parties involved due to legal fees.  Litigation is usually a very time-intensive process, requiring employees to spend a lot of time in court and out of the workplace.  Therefore, many employers and employees decide to opt for arbitration.  However, even arbitration can take managers away from their time-sensitive tasks, which creates lags in productivity, incompletion or tardiness of deliverables, and potential operational bottlenecks or breakdowns in processes.

Tracking Doesn’t Have to Be Such an Exhausting “Trek”
Living amidst this global pandemic has thrown us all for a loop; to alleviate some of the pressure and burden that managers will bear so they don’t get pushed to the edge while trying to keep tabs on important employee data, such as leaves of absence, personal or medical needs, and potential accommodations required when they return to the office, will prove invaluable.  This is why it is integral to have a robust labor management tracking platform.  For example, tracking the number of extenuating circumstances across an entire organization that bars people from working, or at least working on-site, in the present COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 landscape could be unwieldy, so having a system in place that can provide a quick snapshot could save a lot of time off the bat. 

Manage Your Manpower and Remote Workforceshutterstock_1686419383
A rigorous labor relations solution can also be utilized to manage and forecast staffing needs and even issues of compliance for front-line employees and/or companies.  Since most companies have transitioned to a remote work format during the pandemic (and may continue for the immediate future), it is increasingly important for remote workers to not feel “in the dark” or “out of the loop”.  Since the majority of work gets done electronically (without direct “human” contact) in a remote working environment via email, conference calls and teleconference meetings, it is important to stay connected to the workplace, as well as other team members, on a consistent basis.  This will save time and headaches in the long run and will keep operations going as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

But, the same holds true for managers whose job it is to lead and evaluate remote staff.  Since the element of interfacing in person is entirely absent in a remote work scenario, managers should routinely schedule and adhere to fixed meetings to touch base and give remote employees time to consistently provide updates on their objectives and projects.  These lofty tasks can get done more easily and quickly when using potent labor relations software.

LaborSoft’s innovative technology is one of many integral solutions that keep your business, in business. Our employee relations analytics, case management workflows, and our central repository of documentation streamlines case management to mitigate risk of operational bottlenecks, costly lawsuits, and legal ramifications stemming from HR issues and complaints. This sensitive data requires that maximum security protocols are in place and that your information is protected at all times.

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Contact us for a customized demonstration and learn how LaborSoft can help you improve communications, build a more collaborative, safe, and supportive workplace, while reducing the likelihood of costly litigation.