Streamlining Labor Dispute Resolution with Case Management Software

Case management software can help employers manage labor relations disputes efficiently, securely, and reliably. Learn more about what LaborSoft can do.


Tense labor disputes can spiral out of control when the case management process lacks careful attention and organization. Employers may find themselves facing complex grievances involving large numbers of employees, multiple legal issues, or both. Without a comprehensive system for managing the dispute resolution process, a business buried in administrative and procedural details can suffer from delays in resolution or make costly mistakes. 

LaborSoft’s case management software provides employers with an all-in-one solution to manage labor disputes and navigate labor dispute resolution efficiently and quickly.

How Software Streamlines the Resolution of Labor Disputes

A complete case management software package enables employers to streamline the handling of labor disputes in several ways. It consolidates most or all features of a labor dispute in a convenient, easy-to-use platform.

All-in-One Solution

LaborSoft puts everything you need for labor dispute management and resolution into a single platform with key details visible on one screen. From the dashboard, you can access everything you need, such as:

  • Calendars and timetables
  • Case notes
  • Contact information and messaging
  • Important documents
  • Document requests
  • E-filing

A unified, cloud-based solution for case management keeps all parties aligned and information readily accessible when you need it most.


Users can select from a variety of modules to create an interface that meets the specific needs of your internal processes or the case at hand. Since needs often change from one case to another, you can add or remove modules as necessary.


Our software allows you to automate various workflows, freeing up hours of administrative work that you can repurpose on matters that require timely attention. Automated functions, alerts, and reminders empower your team to improve compliance with the relevant laws, regulations, and standards.

Access to Resources

Leverage easy, centralized access to all the resources you need for labor dispute management, including:

  • Laws and regulations
  • Collective bargaining agreements
  • Regulatory filings
  • Key case documents

Information is easily shareable with the appropriate parties in a cloud-based platform that keeps files unified and consistent.

Collaborative Access

Communication can be a major concern — and even a cause of breakdowns in negotiations — when dealing with labor disputes. When key personnel cannot be reached, decisions get delayed. This can lead to lost opportunities or even missed filing deadlines. Case management software enables collaboration by all members of a team, ensuring that everyone has access at necessary times.

Analytical Tools

A multi-functional case management software package also gives you access to analytics that can help you see the bigger picture in individual disputes and across multiple disputes. This can help you adapt policies and practices and make improvements where needed.

Advantages of Comprehensive Case Management Software

Aside from the particular features that case management software can offer, employers may find the following broader benefits:


By combining all of the workflows of a typical labor dispute into a single platform, case management software vastly improves employers’ efficiency during the dispute resolution process. There is no longer any need to worry about integrating disparate software applications or dealing with different preferred modes of communication.


Labor dispute resolution involves significant amounts of sensitive data. This typically includes personal employee information. It may also include trade secrets or other proprietary information. Case management software uses the latest methods of data security to keep everything secure, both while it’s on an employer’s servers and during communications with other team members.


By consolidating everything into an all-in-one platform that all team members can access, employers can make certain that their dispute resolution processes are open and transparent to those who need to know.

Cost Savings

Combining all of the workflows involved in dispute resolution in one software platform saves money. Employers do not have to incur expenses involved with printing and copying documents, sending documents by mail or courier, or the staff time required for these kinds of activities.

Learn How Case Management Software Can Help Help Your Business

Labor relations disputes can be overwhelming for many businesses. They often involve large numbers of people and issues. An all-in-one tool like LaborSoft’s case management software can be invaluable when it comes to labor dispute resolution. 

Contact us today to schedule a customized demonstration of our software for your business.

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