Layoff Letter Template

Free Example Layoff Letter Template Form

Poorly written layoff letters can open up your organization to legal action

No matter how they are written there is always the danger of angering an employee, don't give them legal ammunition by writing misleading, inaccurate or insensitive layoff letters.

Composing a letter with the right tone and terminology will ease tension and lawsuit risks. Use a straightforward reason and/or explanation while conveying a respectful tone. A layoff letter from HR should be regarded as a legal document. Consider the 4 points below when drafting your layoff letter, and use our free Layoff Letter Template as a guide.

Get your free Layoff Letter Template now by filling out the form on this page.

Give a short description of how you can help. Explain how awesome your team is and let them know you’ve got what it takes to solve their toughest problems.